PinnedPublished inPredictWho, Exactly, Am “I”?Distributed Intelligence and Consciousness, Now and In Our FutureOct 24, 20231Oct 24, 20231
PinnedPublished inPredictToday’s AI’s: Not Sentient — But Getting CloserFrom Hofstadter to Hinton: Dall-E, Deep Learning & “Slippability”Aug 14, 20222Aug 14, 20222
PinnedPublished inPredictBumps on the Road to the Global Hive MindImmersive, Intelligent Social Media Are Inevitable, Despite The Horrible Dysfunction of Today’s PlatformsJan 1, 20221Jan 1, 20221
I was raised by liberal parents in New York City and environs, back in the 1970s.All that said, I find myself frequently shocked and disgusted by the moral climate today, as it accelerates into the sewers, powered by…Feb 251Feb 251
Big fan, Matthew — you're one of my favorite thinkers/writers on here.But TBH this one seems a bit beneath you. Feels like you're going after easy targets in order to sloppily discredit entire realms of human…Oct 31, 20241Oct 31, 20241
One of the ways I look at the issue is in terms of the (electrical engineering) concept of "Signal"…My sense (from reading much of the religious, spiritual and philosophical literature, and from personal observation and experience) is that…Jul 25, 2024Jul 25, 2024
You nailed it, Umair. (Again).Our world has real challenges, and these challenges could be tackled and at least mitigated by our most brilliant people.Jun 23, 20232Jun 23, 20232
DeSantis is a scary character.Time will tell whether his humourless, charm-free persona resonates with the lowbrow MAGA hordes who crave entertainment.May 27, 2023May 27, 2023
Artificial Intelligence Probably Won’t Destroy Us, But Natural Stupidity MightWe Have Met the Enemy, and He Is UsMay 2, 20231May 2, 20231
Interesting, brief overview — thanks for sharing it.It seems to me that the Fiqh/Sufism dialectic in Islam is mirrored in other religious traditions as well.Feb 8, 20232Feb 8, 20232