Evan Steeg
May 27, 2023


DeSantis is a scary character. All the cruelty, narcissism, bigotry and authoritarian tendencies of Trump, but with an actual 3-digit IQ and basic grownup self-control.

Time will tell whether his humourless, charm-free persona resonates with the lowbrow MAGA hordes who crave entertainment.

Either way, as Umair points out, both he and Trump are in some ways simply a product of the forces characterizing this end stage of our civilization. If they fall, other corrupt demagogues will take their place.

How do decent people prevail against these forces? I wish I had a good answer.



Evan Steeg

AI & digital health innovator. Sci-fi & football fan. Eastern Ontario via NYC, CT, Toronto. Degrees in Math, CS, Bfx. Bikes, hikes, dives & bass riffs.